Italian Chile Harvest

Fiery Foods Manager Photo Essays Leave a Comment

From Sebastiano Marrone’s balcony garden in northern Italy comes this collection of beauty shots.   This bird pepper is a baccatum– you can tell by the brown spots on the corolla of the flower. This flower of the ‘Black Prince’ will soon be an ornamental pod. Here is ‘Brazilian Beauty’, a multi-colored ornamental.   A variety called ‘Campagna’.   The …

Bush Medicine: Folk Cures with Chile Peppers

Fiery Foods Manager Chiles and Health Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt Illustration by Harald Zoschke One of the most enjoyable chile research experiences I ever had was to study chile pepper folk cures used in various cultures. At that time the World Wide Web was not up and running, so I had to do the research the hard way–by going to libraries, going to the stacks, finding books–especially in …

Janie and Fernando

How to Grow 500 Chile Varieties: Janie and Fernando of Cross Country Nurseries

Fiery Foods Manager Other Stories About Growing Chile Peppers Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Mark R. Vogel Editor’s Note: Janie and Fernando have been long-time supporters of the Fiery Foods & BBQ Centra; and our other chile-related enterprises, and loyal advertisers.  This article was written in 2008, so there have been a lot of changes, including hundreds of varieties of tomatoes and eggplants.  Go the their website here to get all …

2001 Scoville Heat Levels Reported

Dave DeWitt Capsaicin Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt   The Chile Pepper Institute of New Mexico State University has reported on the pungency levels of some of the chile varieties grown in the 2001 Demonstration and Teaching Garden. Dr. Paul Bosland, director of the Institute, cautioned that these heat levels are the result of a single test of chiles grown in that specific environment and …

Pod Variations in the baccatum Species

Pepper Profile: Baccatum Species

Dave DeWitt Baccatum, Pubescens, and Frutescens Species Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt Fiery Foods & BBQ Central Recommendations Chile Pepper Bedding Plants… over 500 varieties from Cross Country Nurseries, shipping April to early June. Fresh pods ship September and early October. Go here Chile Pepper Seeds… from all over the world from the Chile Pepper Institute. Go here The Plant The baccatum species, familiarly termed “ají” throughout South America, …