Scorched baccatum Pods

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Q. Dear Dave,Have you noticed in growing C. baccatum any sun scorching on the pods? This summer I grew C. baccatum for the first time. I planted seeds of the ’Aji Limon’ variety and early on had them in full sun. As the first pods started to develop I noticed that they began to get sun scorched quite easily. After …

Leaves Flipping

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Hi Dave, I love your site! This is my first year growing peppers. My flagship is a large habanero pepper which looks stong with lots of potential. My concern is this: In last two weeks I have noticed that the some leaves of this plant are trying to flip upside down. I can manually turn them right side up but …

Poblano vs. Pasilla

system Chile Varieties Leave a Comment

Dave, I love the article on NuMex chiles and am growing many Big Jims in San Jose CA. My question though relates to the chile called pasilla. I have grown ’Pasilla Bajio’ myself and they are long and thin. The stores in our area often call the poblano a pasilla and I was shocked that even a local mercado did …

How to Ripen Picked Green Peppers

system Chile Gardening Leave a Comment

Q:  Hi Dave,Because of the early frost here in Portland, Oregon, I have picked all (about 8 brown paper grocery bags full) of my guajillo, pasilla, poblano and other peppers. They are quite mature but still green. Is there a preferred way to get these to ripen? Fluorescent lights, darkness, paper bags?Thank you in advance, Fred  A:  Hello Fred:Generally speaking, …

Ulupica Pepper from Bolivia

system Chile Varieties Leave a Comment

Dave-A friend of mine’s family grows a pepper called ’Ulupica’ in their hometown in Bolivia. My friend and I are planning to import this spicy pepper from Bolivia to sell to chileheads in the U.S. Have you heard of "ulupicas"? What do you know about them? We are thinking of packaging them in Bolivia and jarring them in the US. …