Hot Sauce Building Heat?

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Hi Dave,I have a hot sauce that keeps getting hotter. I bought a bottle of a gag hot sauce "Ass in Hell," and each time I break it out it is hotter and hotter. I honestly can’t use it anymore and the heat has by far out shot any flavor it has and now become more of "a dare" vs.. …

What Happened to Crystal Hot Sauce?

system Industry Issues Leave a Comment

Q: Hello Dave,I am looking for Crystal Hot Sauce–every store I am looking into is all out. What’s going on with this product? Can you help me or lead me in the direction to get some? Thanks,Mandi A: Hello Mandi,The Crystal Hot Sauce Plant was destroyed by hurricane Katrina. They are opening a new plant and should be back in …

Clear Hot Sauces

system Chilehead Stuff Leave a Comment

Q: Hi Dave, What peppers are used in clear hot sauces? Where to purchase and will they grow in the U.S.A.?A: Hello Pam: This is an excellent question. I haven’t looked at the ingredients label on a bottle of the clear sauces, but I’m betting it’s some form of oleoresin capsicum, which is an extract. It would be added in …

Tasting Superhot Sauces

system Chilehead Stuff Leave a Comment

Q: Hi Dave,I’m fairly used to native-hot Thai cuisine and tabasco. I have just ordered Vicious Viper and, after ordering, I noticed that Tabasco Sauce rates at 5000 Scoville Heat Units and the Viper at 250,000. So my question is, can you actually taste/eat the Viper sauce without falling into a coma? Are there any serious side effects to tasting …

Hot Sauce Separating

system Cooking Leave a Comment

Q. Hi Dave,Just started receiving your magazine….great stuff. I have two questions re: making hot sauce. 1 – How do I get the vinegar and peppers to not separate once bottled?….the store brands have a nice united texture…my homemade is like oil and vinegar in its separation. 2 – Are there food/health laws governing the sale of hot sauce?… i.e. I have …