Before you go on to another recipe, stop and give this a try! This is not the famed “traveling fruitcake” recipe—the the mythical fruitcake that never spoils and is never eaten! Nope, this is a green chile fruit cake, new and improved, and sassier than ever.
Panpepato (Spicy Chocolate-flavored Christmas Bread)
This is the delicious and moist Italian answer to English and American fruitcakes.
Patate al Forno con Rosmarino (Oven-roasted Potatoes Sprinkled with Rosemary, Garlic, and Peperoncino Powder)
In case you are wondering, yes, potatoes are eaten in Pastaland.
Gnocchi di Zucca (Pumpkin Gnocchi with Shavings of Smoked Ricotta and Sage Leaves)
Simple but incredibly delicious, this dish goes very well with the highly herbed turkey.
Tacchino alla Porchetta (Herb-Scented Roast Turkey from Nereto)
This is turkey as it is served on Saint Martin’s Day, November 11, in Nereto. Carol Field advises: “Do not use a light hand with the rosemary or garlic.” I skipped the part about cutting the turkey in half and it didn’t seem to make any difference. I didn’t stuff the turkey with my usual cornbread-green chile mixture because I wanted it to be as traditional as possible. That said, I did add some spicy smoked paprika to add a little heat because I’m a capsaicin addict.