Georgia is probably the native home of the barbecue, but it spread thence to most of the Southern and Southwestern States, and has even invaded some of the Northern ones. Georgia, however, still retains its supremacy as the Barbecue State. “The barbecue is to Georgia,” says D. Allen Willey, in the Home-Maker’s Magazine for December, 1896, ” what the clambake …
Gargantuan Georgia Barbecues, 1897
By John R. Watkins, Photos by Howe, Atlanta, Georgia No one who has had the good fortune to attend a barbecue will ever forget it. The smell of it all, the meat slowly roasting to a delicious brown over smoking fires, the hungry and happy crowds waiting in patience until the spits are turned for the last time, and …
An Alabama Barbecue, 1864
By Parthenia Antoinette Hague Then there were the annual barbecues that each and all planters gave without fail to their slaves when the crops had all been laid by, which semi-holiday weeks embraced the last of July and the first of August. I remember in particular one barbecue roast that I witnessed one night in company with the household. The …