Noodles Every Day cover

Book Excerpt: Noodles Every Day

Lois Manno Asia Leave a Comment

An Excerpt From: Noodles Every Day Delicious Asian Recipes from Ramen to Rice Sticks by Corinne TrangPhotographs by Maura McEvoyChronicle Books, San FranciscoCopyright 2009168 Pages$22.95ISBN 978-0-8118-6143-4Available on here.Excerpt by permission of the publisher. Here I explore the idea that these small Asian snack dishes can be the foundations for quick, healthful, and wondrously varied meals, which can be prepared …


Dr. BBQ’s Halloween Barbecue Feast

Fiery Foods Manager Seasonal Leave a Comment

By Dr. BBQ, Ray Lampe Halloween is the best holiday of the year for people who like to cross-dress and beg. I must admit that while I’ve participated in many counter-culture activities, cross-dressing has never made the list, even on Halloween. It might be because there just aren’t any good dresses in my size. Most people have no idea what …