Currywurst platter with sauce, curry powder garnish, and french fries, at Scharfrichter, Bremen

The Cult of Currywurst

Dave DeWitt Europe Leave a Comment

Story and Photos by Sharon Hudgins What could be more German than Currywurst: chunks of sausage slathered with a sauce based on the same ingredients as Anglo-American tomato ketchup spiced up with English Worcestershire sauce, Hungarian paprika, and Indian-inspired curry powder (by way of Britain), served with French fries on the side? And now some Germans have added another multicultural …

Spicy Spring Grilling, 2

Kelli Bergthold MyBlog Leave a Comment

Tuscan Devil Chicken In Italian, this chicken is called pollo alla diavolo because of the addition of crushed red pepperoncini chiles, the same kind that is sprinkled on pizzas to liven them up. Traditionally the chickens are split before grilling, but you can use a rotisserie if you wish–it just takes longer to cook. Adding rosemary branches to the fire …


Dr. BBQ’s Halloween Barbecue Feast

Fiery Foods Manager Seasonal Leave a Comment

By Dr. BBQ, Ray Lampe Halloween is the best holiday of the year for people who like to cross-dress and beg. I must admit that while I’ve participated in many counter-culture activities, cross-dressing has never made the list, even on Halloween. It might be because there just aren’t any good dresses in my size. Most people have no idea what …